Sunday, September 26, 2010

10 Things You Should Do When You Retire

1. Rest and Enjoy It.
It is always important to have some time when you can just turn it all off, and just relax. Some people when they retire try to continue at the same pace of their working days. They think that they must always be busy. The point of retiring is to not be so busy, especially with work. So sit back and learn to relax a bit.

2. Learn Something New.
Retirement offers the greatest chance to try all sorts of new things. You know the things that you always wished you'd had more time to do. When you retire, this is the time to start living. Take up painting, learn to play an instrument, learn a new language, go sailing! What ever it is that you always wanted to try, now is your chance.

3. Read More.
You would be surprised at what you can learn, and how interesting things can be, when you actually take the time to read or study about them. Try reading some new magazines, or pick up a best seller off the top 10, and dive in. There is more information out there than you could ever possibly take in.

4. Start Eating Well.
Part of the secret of a long and happy retirement is living a long and happy life. Keeping fit and well during retirement is all a part of a healthy lifestyle. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, low fat and high protein items as well as a good source of fat from avocado and nuts, will help to keep you healthy and prevent illness.

5. Exercise.
When you retire it is important to keep active. Daily exercise is key to an active lifestyle, and an important part of staying healthy. Try a daily walk or swim.

6. Don't Smoke.
The best advice that can be given here is if you smoke quit. If you don't, good for you.

7. Watch Your Alcohol Intake.
Retirement can feel like a long holiday and many tend to drink more. Remember, you are not on vacation. This is a new lifestyle that you want to last. Don't over indulge. Alcohol is fine occasionally, just remember moderation in everything.

Stay active by taking in some local entertainment. Go to the movies, watch a baseball game, go to a concert, take a drive, go to the beach. You have lots of time.

9. Become More Observant.
Ask questions and take a second look. There is so much to see and do when you are retired, but sometimes you might need a suggestion or two. Take advantage of the local news, the newspaper, and free papers in your area. Usually they are filled with fact finding articles, events, and coupons. Do something that you never did before.

10. Have Fun and Enjoy.
Now that you are retired, just have some fun and enjoy yourself. Forget about the day to day routine. leave your watch at home. Get on a bike and ride off, and see what happens. You never know where you might end up, or who you might meet. Explore! 

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