Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Living The Retirement Lifestyle

Early Retirement

I remember when I was in my early twenties and thinking about all the things I wanted to do as I got older. I knew way back then that I wanted to retire early. I watched my dad work his entire life, always dreaming about the day he could retire, so mom and him could travel, and take it easy.

That day never came for him and my mom. Unfortunately my dad died of cancer at an early age, and never realized his dream. I realized then that no matter what happens in life, you have to live your dreams, and seize the opportunities.

As a young man I held many jobs, and worked many places. Several times throughout my career I held steady jobs, and made good money. I always knew deep down that no matter what, I would retire early and be able to live the Retirement Lifestyle that I wanted.

If you plan ahead, and create the right frame of mind, you can achieve whatever you desire. I have read countless articles, and information on planning for retirement, but even with all the information that is available, you have to decide which path is right for you.

Many people save their entire lives building a nest egg, only to find out that they still don't have enough to carry them through the retirement years. Due to circumstances beyond their control, their savings and retirement plans fall short. One thing that is for certain, you cannot plan for everything that might happen, but you can plan for what you want to happen.

What I mean by that statement is that if you want to retire young, you need to create a plan that is not only workable, but also takes into consideration possible roadblocks. When you are twenty, there is no way to predict the future. You may be able to estimate what the dollar will be worth 40 years ahead, but those estimates will have way too many variables that could take place during that time.

A standard 401k or other retirement fund is a good place to start, especially if you are young. Saving as little as 3%-5% every paycheck, and putting that in a fund, that is matched by your employer, will put you on the right track towards your Retirement Goals.

Retirement can be everything that you have ever dreamed of, if you take a little time to create a retirement plan, and start early enough to watch your savings grow. Even if you are in your forties, it is not too late to start saving and making plans for retirement.

In future articles, I will discuss retirement strategies, retirement planning, costs, retirement savings, places to retire, and retirement lifestyles that are easy to achieve, and maintain.

Dr. Daniel W. Leighly Msc.D

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